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Top 10 Design Agencies in Berlin

Adam Fard
Adam Fard, Co-founder & Head of Design
Top 10 Design Agencies in Berlin

Berlin is a hub for innovation and creativity, making it a prime location for design studios. As a result, the city is home to some of the most prominent design studios in the world.

Whether you're looking for a team to help with a specific part of your UX project or a full-service firm to handle everything, Berlin has you covered.

In this article, we'll introduce you to the best Berlin design studios for your next UX project.

Adam Fard Studio

Adam Fard Studio product design agency, we specialize in designing innovative and user-friendly B2B products for the FinTech and SaaS industries. Unlike other studios, we focus on delivering practical and efficient solutions, rather than flashy but poorly designed B2C websites.

With years of experience in developing cohesive systems and user experiences, we are able to improve key business metrics, such as activation, conversion, and retention.

Our talented team of senior researchers and designers, who have over 10+ years of experience, bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to every project, ensuring that we understand user needs and minimize product risks.

👩‍💼 Team size: 11-50

💰 Pricing: minimum project size – $4,900 (DesignStream Package)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Product Design (UI&UX design), UX Research, Idea Validation, Product Revamp, etc.

🎯 Industry Focus: SaaS, e-commerce, Fintech, Legal, Complex enterprise solutions, Apps undergoing a merge

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Futuro Team

Futuro Team is a Berlin-based digital agency that specializes in UX design and research. They work with clients across a range of industries, from startups to established brands, to help them elevate their digital products and services. Their goal is to create user-centred designs that are both functional and intuitive.

👥 Team size: 10-49

💰 Pricing range: $50-99 (minimum project size – $10,000)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Product Design, Product Strategy Solution Architecture, Web App Development, Mobile App Development, QA Testing.

🎯 Industry Focus: eCommerce, Biotech, Real Estate, & other.


Pdlab is a digital product development agency that helps companies build better products. Having a presence both in Europe and Canada, they offer a range of services, including product strategy, design, and development, and work with clients in a variety of industries such as healthcare, education, and finance. They believe in a user-centered approach, which entails putting users' needs first in every project they undertake.

👥 Team size: 2-9

💰 Pricing range: $50-$99

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Industrial design, UI&UX design.

🎯 Industry Focus: Undisclosed

Visit their website here.


PHOENIX is a global design consultancy that specializes in product design, branding, and innovation. They have a team of designers, engineers, and strategists who work collectively to help clients create products that stand out in the market. With over three decades of experience, they have a proven track record of delivering design solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

👥 Team size: 50-99

💰 Pricing range: Undisclosed

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Industrial Design, Branding, UI&UX design.

🎯 Industry Focus: Consumer Appliances.

Visit their website here.


Goodpatch is a product design and development agency with offices in Tokyo, Berlin, and San Francisco. They help companies create digital products that are simple, intuitive, and enjoyable to use. They offer a full range of services, including design research, prototyping, and product development, and work with clients in a variety of industries, including healthcare, education, and finance.

👥 Team size: 50-249

💰 Pricing range: Undisclosed

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Immersive Experiences (AR/VR). Branding, UI&UX, Design Strategy.

🎯 Industry Focus: eCommerce, Logistics, b2c

Visit their website here.

Bonanza Design

Bonanza is a Berlin-based design studio that specializes in creating custom, high-quality digital products. They work with clients in a variety of industries such as e-commerce, and healthcare, and are committed to delivering user-centered designs that meet the unique needs of each client. Their goal is to create digital products that are both functional and visually appealing.

👥 Team size: 10-49

💰 Pricing range: $100-149 /hr (Minimum project size – $10,000)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Branding, Lean Innovation, Product design

🎯 Industry Focus: eCommerce, Healthcare, Dating

Visit their website here.


DEPT is a full-service digital agency that helps companies grow their businesses through innovative digital solutions. Having offices all across the world, they offer a range of services, including website design and development, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing. They believe in a data-driven approach and use the latest technology to deliver results for their clients.

👥 Team size: 1,000-9,999

💰 Pricing range: $150-$199 (Minimum Project Size – $100,000)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Product Development. Marketing, Digital Design

🎯 Industry Focus: Agriculture & Food, Consumer Goods, Fashion & Lifestyle and more.

Visit their website here.

Ester Digital

Ester Digital is a Berlin-based digital agency that specializes in crafting custom digital solutions for businesses. They offer a range of services, including website design and development, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing, and work with clients in a variety of industries, including retail, and healthcare. Their goal is to help businesses succeed by creating digital solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.

👥 Team size: 10-49

💰 Pricing range: $50-99 (Minimum Project Size – $10,000)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Business Strategy, Product Development, Web Design.

🎯 Industry Focus: Cybersecurity, Real Estate, Gaming and other.

Visit their website here.


Andersen is a product design and development agency with numerous offices across the world. They help companies create digital products that are both functional and intuitive, and offer a range of services, including design research, prototyping, and product development. They work with clients in a variety of industries and are committed to delivering results that meet the unique needs of each client.

👥 Team size: 1,000-9,999

💰 Pricing range: $25-$49

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: Business Analysis, DevOps, QA, Cross-platform Development, UI&UX and more.

🎯 Industry Focus: eCommerce, eLearning, Healthcare, iGaming, Legal an

Visit their website here.


Tinloof is a digital product design and development agency based in Berlin. They help companies create digital products that are both functional and visually appealing, and offer a range of services, including design research, prototyping, and product development. They work with clients in a variety of industries, including e-commerce, and healthcare, and are committed to delivering user-centered designs that meet the unique needs of each client.

👥 Team size: 2-9

💰 Pricing range: $100-149 / hr (Minimum Project Size – 10,000)

🧙🏻‍♂️ Services: web design & development, mobile design & development

🎯 Industry Focus: Shopify, eCommerce.

Visit their website here.

Bottom line

To sum up, Berlin is home to a thriving design scene, with many world-class design agencies providing innovative and creative solutions for a range of industries. Whether you're looking for UX/UI design, branding, and/or development you're sure to find a top-notch agency in this city.

By carefully considering the unique needs and goals of your project, you can choose from among the top 10 design agencies in Berlin to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Common Berlin UX Design Agencies Questions

What services do UX design agencies in Berlin provide?

UX design agencies in Berlin provide a variety of services aimed at improving user experience, ensuring that digital products are not only functional but also enjoyable to use. Here are some of the key services they offer:

User Research:

  • Conducting interviews to gather qualitative insights directly from users about their needs, preferences, and pain points.

  • Utilizing surveys to collect quantitative data helps in identifying user trends and common issues.

  • Performing usability testing sessions where real users interact with the product to observe how easily they can complete tasks, helping to identify any usability barriers.

Wireframing and Prototyping:

  • Creating low-fidelity wireframes that outline the basic structure and layout of the user interface, focusing on functionality and user flow without the distraction of detailed design.

  • Developing high-fidelity prototypes that are more detailed and interactive, closely mimicking the final product. These prototypes are used to test and refine the design before development begins.

UX/UI Design:

  • Designing user interfaces (UI) that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive, ensuring that users can navigate and interact with the product effortlessly.

  • Focusing on user experience (UX) by creating designs that enhance user satisfaction through improved usability, accessibility, and pleasure in the interaction.

Usability Testing:

  • Conducting rigorous testing sessions with actual users to uncover usability issues. This involves tasks where users are asked to complete specific actions while researchers observe and note any difficulties or confusion.

  • Implementing iterative testing where feedback from usability tests is used to make continuous improvements to the design, ensuring that the final product is user-friendly.

Information Architecture:

  • Structuring content and navigation logically and intuitively, so users can easily find the information they need. This involves creating sitemaps, categorizing content, and designing navigation systems.

  • Utilizing card sorting exercises to understand how users group information, helping to design a navigation system that aligns with their mental models.

Visual Design:

  • Crafting interactive elements like buttons, sliders, and forms that enhance user engagement and make the interface more dynamic and responsive.

  • Developing a visual style guide that includes colors, typography, and iconography, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the product.

  • Creating branding elements that align with the company's identity and resonate with the target audience.

Content Strategy:

  • Planning and managing content creation and delivery, ensuring that the right information is presented at the right time, in a way that is clear and compelling.

  • Collaborating with content creators to produce high-quality, user-focused content that supports the overall user experience.

Accessibility Consulting:

  • Ensuring that the product is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following best practices and guidelines such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

  • Conducting accessibility audits to identify and fix issues that might hinder users with disabilities.

Analytics and Performance Monitoring:

  • Setting up and analyzing user analytics to track how users interact with the product, identifying areas for improvement based on actual usage data.

  • Using tools like heatmaps and session recordings to get a detailed understanding of user behaviour.

These comprehensive services that UX design agencies in Berlin such as Adam Fard (Free Consultation) offers to help businesses create digital products that are not only functional and beautiful but also provide a seamless and satisfying user

How Can I find the Right UX Design Agency in Berlin for my Project?

Selecting an experienced UX design agency involves several essential steps depending on the project you are working on and the specific agency you want to work with. However, these are the most crucial steps you cannot forget.

Explore Portfolios: Look through the UX design agency's past projects to determine whether their design style matches up with what you envision for the project.

Examine Client Testimonials: Read reviews and case studies to gain a sense of their reliability and client satisfaction.

Industry Expertise: Be certain your provider has experience working on similar projects within your industry or with similar needs.

Initial Consultation: Hold an in-person or virtual discussion to assess their understanding of your needs and communication style; plus assess team skills as a whole.

What is the Average Cost of Hiring a UX Design Agency in Berlin?

The costs can depend on several factors; hiring one may range anywhere between €1,000 and go up to €30,200 depending on the services provided.

Project Scope: More complex projects typically cost more.

Agency Reputation: Agencies with strong portfolios may charge higher rates.

Services Required: Hourly rates can range anywhere between €50 to €200 depending on your specific services or expertise needs.

Detail in Your Quotes: For optimal results, always request a detailed quote tailored specifically to the requirements of your project.

How long will a Project with a Berlin UX Design Agency take to Complete?

Project timelines may differ:

Simple Projects: An elementary UX design project may take as little as several weeks, while more involved ones, including user research and testing, can take several months.

Milestones: Discussing and setting clear milestones with an agency is the key to managing expectations and keeping projects on schedule.

Can Berlin UX Design Agencies Work with International Clients?

Yes, many UX design firms in Berlin are well-equipped to deal with international clients:

Language Proficiency: Most agencies possess effective English communication.

Remote Collaboration: They often have processes in place for remote collaboration, including regular updates, virtual meetings and project management tools.

Culture Awareness: Berlin has long been recognized as a top UX design hub due to their experience working on international projects that span different cultures and user bases.

Why has Berlin emerged as such an influential UX design centre?

Many factors contribute to Berlin being at the forefront of UX design:

Creative Scene: Berlin has long been known for its vibrant creative environment that draws top talent from around the globe.

Innovation Ecosystem: With an established startup ecosystem to support innovation and collaboration, Berlin stands as an attractive location.

Cultural Diversity: Berlin offers UX designers access to an abundance of insights and inspiration that make this city special. Educational Institutions: Renowned design schools and programs contribute towards building up an expert workforce.

Benefits of Hiring a Local Berlin UX Design Agency Over an International One?

Employing a local agency has numerous advantages; among these:

Local Market Understanding: Agencies with local knowledge have an improved understanding of the Berlin market and user preferences.

Communication: Facilitated communications and face-to-face meetings facilitate collaboration.

Cultural Insights: Knowledge of Berlin's unique cultural and business environment can provide unique advantages for local projects.

Support and Accessibility: Local agencies may provide more immediate support and are typically more easily available for quick iteration cycles.

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