CIRCUS thumbnail


Min. Project Size: $5,000+
Avg. Hourly Rate: $$100 - $149 / hr/hr
Employees: 10 - 49
Location: London, United Kingdom
Founded: Founded 2010


Circus is a pioneering provider of immersive virtual experiences, dedicated to transforming the way brands engage with their audiences. In an era where traditional content often fails to captivate, Circus stands out by offering innovative solutions that blend cutting-edge technology with creative storytelling. Their expertise lies in creating branded virtual experiences that are not only visually stunning but also deeply engaging, allowing audiences to interact with content in a meaningful way.

The company specializes in a variety of immersive technologies, including 360-degree photography, 360-degree video, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the development of 3D virtual worlds. These capabilities enable Circus to craft experiences that transport users into new environments, providing them with a sense of presence and involvement that flat, passive content simply cannot achieve. By leveraging these advanced techniques, Circus helps brands create memorable interactions that resonate with their target audiences.

One of the key offerings from Circus is their ability to produce virtual tours. These tours are meticulously designed to showcase real-world locations in a way that is both informative and engaging. Whether it’s a virtual open day for educational institutions or a guided tour of a corporate facility, Circus employs high-end 360 photography and cinematic 360 video to create a rich visual narrative. This approach not only enhances the viewer's experience but also allows brands to communicate their values and offerings effectively.

In addition to virtual tours, Circus excels in the creation of digital twins. These are highly detailed digital replicas of physical spaces, which can be used for a variety of purposes, including training, marketing, and operational planning. By utilizing advanced imaging techniques, Circus captures every detail of a location, ensuring that the digital twin is an accurate representation of the real world. This technology is particularly beneficial for organizations looking to optimize their operations or enhance their training programs, as it allows for a safe and controlled environment in which to learn and experiment.

The integration of aerial and drone technology further enhances Circus's offerings. By capturing stunning aerial footage, Circus can provide a unique perspective on locations that is often difficult to achieve through traditional photography. This capability is particularly valuable for industries such as real estate, tourism, and event management, where showcasing a location from above can significantly impact the viewer's perception and interest.

Circus also places a strong emphasis on interactivity within their virtual experiences. By incorporating interactive elements, they enable users to engage with the content in a way that is tailored to their interests and needs. This could involve clickable hotspots that provide additional information, interactive storytelling elements that guide users through a narrative, or gamified experiences that encourage exploration and discovery. Such interactivity not only enhances user engagement but also allows brands to gather valuable insights into user behavior and preferences.

The company’s commitment to innovation is evident in their use of the latest technologies and techniques. Circus continuously explores new ways to enhance their offerings, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the immersive experience industry. Their team of skilled professionals combines technical expertise with creative vision, resulting in experiences that are not only technologically advanced but also artistically compelling.

Circus's work spans a diverse range of sectors, including education, tourism, and corporate environments. By tailoring their services to meet the specific needs of each client, they are able to deliver solutions that drive engagement and achieve desired outcomes. For educational institutions, for example, virtual open days can provide prospective students with an immersive glimpse into campus life, helping them make informed decisions about their future. In the corporate sector, virtual experiences can enhance recruitment efforts, training programs, and internal communications, fostering a more connected and informed workforce.

The impact of Circus's work extends beyond mere engagement; it also has the potential to drive significant business outcomes. By creating memorable and immersive experiences, brands can enhance customer loyalty, increase sales, and improve brand perception. The ability to showcase products and services in a dynamic and interactive manner allows organizations to differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace.

Circus's approach to creating branded virtual experiences is rooted in a deep understanding of the power of storytelling. They recognize that every brand has a unique narrative to tell, and they work closely with clients to uncover and articulate that story through immersive experiences. This collaborative process ensures that the final product is not only visually stunning but also aligned with the brand's identity and objectives.

In conclusion, Circus is a leader in the field of immersive virtual experiences, offering a comprehensive suite of services that leverage the latest technologies to engage audiences in innovative ways. Their expertise in 360-degree photography, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive storytelling positions them as a valuable partner for brands looking to enhance their engagement strategies. By focusing on creating memorable and impactful experiences, Circus helps organizations connect with their audiences on a deeper level, ultimately driving business success in an increasingly digital world.

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