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Understanding Prototype vs. MVP vs. Proof of Concept: Know the Difference

Adam Fard
Adam Fard, Co-founder & Head of Design
Understanding Prototype vs. MVP vs. Proof of Concept: Know the Difference

Understanding Prototype vs. MVP vs. Proof of Concept: Know the Difference

When creating digital products, it's crucial to test your ideas before investing heavily in full-scale development. Proof of Concept (POC), Prototype, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) are three distinct approaches that serve different purposes in the product development process. Let's explore their differences and when to use each.

Proof of Concept (POC)

A POC is your first step in validating an idea. It helps you:

  • Test the technical feasibility of your concept

  • Validate assumptions with your target audience 

  • Determine if your main idea is worth pursuing further

You'll use a POC if you want to an answer to the question: "Can this idea actually work?"


A prototype takes your idea a step further. It allows you to:

  • Evaluate the general "shape" of your product

  • Visualize the look and feel

  • Test user interactions and flow

Prototypes help you answer: "How will this product work and look?"

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

An Minimum Viable Product is a fully functional version of your product with core features only. It enables you to:

  • Gather user feedback

  • Test market demand

  • Iterate based on real-world usage

MVPs answer the question: "Will users actually want and use this product?"

Choosing the Right Approach

Each of these methods serves a unique purpose in your product development journey:

  • Use a POC to validate technical feasibility and basic assumptions

  • Create a prototype to refine your product's design and user experience

  • Develop an MVP to test market demand and gather user feedback

By choosing the right approach, you'll optimize your chances of success and avoid wasting resources on unviable ideas.

Remember, in today's competitive market, thorough research and testing are essential before making significant investments. POCs, prototypes, and MVPs all provide valuable insights that can shape your product's future and increase its chances of success.

What Is a Proof of Concept (POC)?

A PoC or Proof of Concept is a small project that is created to validate the core functionality of your idea. It's your first step in determining if your concept is technically feasible and worth pursuing.

Key aspects of a POC:

  • Focuses on technical capability, not user experience

  • Can be used to test multiple functionalities separately

  • Typically takes a couple of days to even a few weeks to develop

Best Practices for Creating an Practical POC:

1. Set clear goals: Define the scope and identify specific problems to tackle.

2. Define measurable deliverables: Establish success metrics to benchmark your results.

3. Run focused POC projects: Test one integration or feature  at a time.

4. Track your metrics: Compare results against your success criteria.

Why Use a POC?

A POC helps you:

  • Verify your development approach

  • Check if complex technical solutions are feasible

  • Define limitations of your solution

  • Evaluate required resources

  • Lower he risk of failures in later stages

By developing a POC, you can test your concept quickly and affordably. It allows you to "bulletproof" your product vision and determine the right path to make it a reality.

Remember, if your POC doesn't meet your goals, it's not a failure. It's an opportunity to pivot your idea or adjust it before investing more time and resources.

What Is a Prototype?

At a prototype stage, your product's design starts to take shape. While a PoC evaluates technical feasibility, a prototype focuses on the last look and feel of your final product.

Key Features of a Prototype:

  • Visual representation: Shows the user interface and basic functionality

  • Cross-functional effort: Involves product owners, designers, and developers.

  • Flexible formats: Can range from simple paper wireframes to interactive digital versions

Benefits of Creating a Prototype:

1. Optimize resources: Identify and remove flawed UI elements before development begins

2. Convince investors: Helps secure funding by demonstrating your product's potential

3. Iterate designs: Quickly create and test multiple design versions

4. Collect feedback: Get early user input to improve your product

5. Refine your business idea: Transform your concept into a visually stunning format

Reasons to Use a Prototype:

1. Gather early feedback: Test your ideas with real users before full-scale development

2. Find and fix flow issues: Identify gaps in the user journey

3. Identify customer needs: Understand what users really want from your product

4. Secure funding: Show potential investors how your actual product will feel, look and work

5. Test without development: Get user reactions without building the full product

Prototyping Tools:

Many designers use tools like Figma for creating interactive prototypes. These tools offer benefits like:

  • Generating CSS and HTML  code for web or mobile apps

  • Integration with development frameworks (e.g., Flutter widgets)

Remember, while prototyping can be time-consuming, especially with multiple design iterations, it's a crucial step in refining your product before development begins.

What Is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

An Minimum Viable Product is a version of your product with just enough features to be usable by early customers. It helps you validate your product idea in the real world.

Key Aspects of an MVP:

  • Contains only core features

  • Allows you to test your product hypothesis

  • Helps gauge the market demand as well as product-market fit

Features of an MVP:

  • Gather user feedback: Learn how your target users perceive your product

  • Save resources: Reduce development work and avoid over-building features

  • Attract investors: Demonstrate traction to secure larger investments

  • Generate revenue: helps you acquire paying users to support growth

Reasons to Use an MVP:

1. Reduce risk of failure: Test your idea before full-scale development

2. Start with minimal resources: Launch your business efficiently

3. Secure funding: Attract venture capital or crowdfunding

4. Avoid major rejections: Refine your product based on real user feedback

5. Build customer relationships: Engage early adopters from the start

6. Create better products: Iterate based on user needs and preferences

Remember, an MVP's definition can vary depending on your product and company. The key is to include just enough features to make it marketable and start learning from real users.

Choosing Between, Prototype, POC and MVP:

Each of these concepts serves a different purpose:

  • POC: Validates technical feasibility

  • Prototype: Visualizes product design and user experience

  • MVP: Tests your product in the market with real users

Selecting the right approach can optimize your chances of success, save resources, and help prioritize your efforts effectively.


1. How do Proof of Concept, Prototype, and MVP differ?

Think of these as three stages of bringing your idea to life. A Proof of Concept shows your idea can work. A Prototype demonstrates how your product will function. An MVP is a basic version of your product that's ready for early customers.

2. Should you create an MVP or a Prototype first?

It depends on your goal. Use an MVP to find your first customers. Create a Proof of Concept to check if your idea is worth pursuing. Build a Prototype to test your product before investing heavily in development.

3. What are the four main types of prototypes?

Prototypes come in four flavors: 1. Rapid (Throwaway): Quick and dirty versions to test ideas. 2. Evolutionary: Prototypes that grow into the final product. 3. Incremental: Building the product piece by piece. 4. Extreme: Focusing on the user interface first.

4. Is an MVP the final product?

Not usually. An MVP is a working product you can sell, but it's just the beginning. Startups use MVPs to test business ideas quickly. Big companies use them to explore new ideas without risking their main products.

5. What can you use instead of an MVP?

Try an SLC (Simple, Lovable, Complete) product. Unlike an MVP, which you keep improving, an SLC is a finished product with just the core features. It's simple, users love it, and it does the job without needing constant updates.

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